- Current Issue
- Previous Issues
- May 2011 Legislative Talking Points
- Tom Corbett's Comments
- Jack Wagner's Comments
- Budget Position
- Joe Hoeffel's Comments
- CAP Economic Impact Paper
- 2009 position paper
- Take it to the streets rally
- Top Problematic Regulations
- 2009 Legislative Letter
- CAP MR Letter COLA 0809
- Prioritization of Services
- DRA letter to Burns
- Drink Tax Testimony
- COLA Testimony
- PCPA-CAP Press Release
- AC BH Cuts Position Paper
- Provider Report Card
- Allocation Letter – Cherna
- Problematic Regulations
- MH Allocations Letter
- COLA Fact Sheet
- Onarato Position Paper
- MR Wage Cost 1-21-04
- Budget Restoration
- Business Privilege Tax
- The Facts About Addiction
- Budget Cut Testimony
- CAP Letter PTRC 8-3-04
Legislative Committee’s success stories
State Legislators
The committee members provided strong advocacy for a state budget that provided adequate funding for MH/MR/D&A. All Allegheny County legislators were visited in order to advance this position. To support this advocacy the committee developed a fact sheet that provided legislators with information about the CAP membership, numbers served, budgets and the services provided. The committee also developed a budget position paper that was used during legislative visits. And a bus load of staff and consumers participated in the PCPA sponsored Capital Day rally in Harrisburg that supported passing a fair and responsible budget. And finally the committee successfully advocated that any state hospital closure not result in budget cuts to counties where the closures occurred.
County Council
The committee provide a significant amount of educational information to council members concerning proposed county ordinances and legislation so that council members could appreciate and reconsider the effects of such ordinances on the functioning of our members.
Issue Specific Advocacy
Committee members also provided written and verbal testimony on municipal, county and state issues, such as incident management, adult protective services, various pieces of legislation and the Mayview state hospital closure.
Current Legislative Issue
Stop the Cuts Flyer
Flyer created to educate public to stop Corbett's budget cuts